SIFE 1st General Meeting

September 16, 2009

The first general meeting of the semester was a lot of fun! Executive Officers introduced themselves, held a fun ice-breaker, and told the audience what SIFE is all about.  Approximately thirty new students were present and interested in SIFE this year!  There was talk of the work accomplished last year, as we look forward to some great work this year.      


After the general meeting concluded, eight people remained for a chance at becoming this year’s Vice President of Membership (as this year’s SIFE team was missing this position at that time).  It turned out that instead of just one new person coming on the Executive Council team, three new people joined this year, making the Executive Council group a total of nine student members in addition to one Faculty Advisor:


Linh Nguyen, President;
Christian Gonzales-Colindres, Executive Vice President;
Stephen Dweh-Chenneh, Vice President of Administration;
Joseph Kersey, Vice President of Finance;
Tengis Bat-Erdene, Vice President of Marketing;
Rebecca Mansell, Vice President of Membership;
Ana Megrelishvili, Vice President of Programs;
Javlonbek Turdiev, Vice President of Technology;
Tina Feier, Vice President of Team Sustainability; and
Dr. Mark Roselli, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business.

We are all looking forward to a great year in SIFE!